January 18, 1954 — The Advocate
The Mossadegh Project | January 7, 2021 |
An editorial in The Advocate daily newspaper, serving Northwestern and Western Tasmania, Australia. Motto: “Fair and Impartial”.
THIS is not a happy time of dictators. [Soviet Premier] Georgi Malenkov was fortunate, it must appear; he or Beria had to go. Beria lost and was liquidated. [Lavrentiy Beria] In Persia Dr. Mossadeq was more fortunate, in that the Shah revealed a spirit of humanity and advised against his death. The question at the moment is whether his appeal against his sentence of three years’ solitary confinement will succeed.
From Cairo comes another sensation. It appears that General Naguib is under house arrest. [Premier Mohammed Naguib] Whether this is for his protection against the Moslem Brotherhood is not certain. This organisation is very powerful, and numbers close on two millions. The development will not make for good government, for better relations between the classes in Egypt, nor for the wellbeing of the national economy. Naguib was engaged in a housecleaning. There were some extraneous activities annoying to British sentiment, but he had to play a part, and it now appears that he has failed.
It is about time news came from the Argentine about Peron, who has been proving a bugbear to his country, an expensive ruler, and an ill omen for the future of this naturally richly endowed region. [Juan Perón]
Related links:
Argentina’s Juan Perón Likens His Fate To Mossadegh’s (1956)
Twisting the Lion’s Tail | The Singleton Argus, May 15, 1953
Path to Dictatorship | The Reading Eagle, May 8, 1952
MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”