Iran excerpts from Sunday Times column (1951-1954)
Arash Norouzi The Mossadegh Project | March 12, 2020 |
The following one-or-two-liners ran in Richard Murray’s eponymously titled newspaper column in The Sunday Times of Perth, Western Australia.
June 3, 1951
BELIEVE latest off-the-record summing up of the Persian situation is this: It will continue to be sticky but won’t cause war.
[Britain threatened a military response to the seizure of her oil works in Abadan, with warships at the ready]
September 9, 1951
THE IRAN “OIL”: Expect no worse shortage. Democratic countries have already planned to make up the loss by speeding up production and rearranging tankers.
August 10, 1952
APT: A critic in the East has been comparing Mossadeq, the Persian Prime Minister who cries in public at every crisis, with Bob Menzies, our own Prime Minister. [Robert Menzies] He says the difference between them is that Mossadeq does the crying and Bob lets the public do it.
November 28, 1954
NO THANKS TO MOSSADEQ: It has often been suggested that we wouldn’t have had Kwinana if Mossadeq hadn’t played up with the oil industry in Persia. I am told that Kwinana was on the slate anyhow.
[Anglo-Iranian Oil Company opened a plant in the Western Australian city of Kwinana]
Related links:
As I See It by Vee Cee | Sunday Times (Perth, Australia) column, 1951-53
Sir William Fraser’s Statement To AIOC Stockholders (1954)
Persia Is Adamant | The Advocate (Tasmania), Sept. 27, 1951
MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”