Canadian Arab Friendship League

Resolution on the Threat of War In Iran (1951)

Arash Norouzi

The Mossadegh Project | January 15, 2024                   

Wary of the implications of armed conflict over Iranian oil, the Canadian Arab Friendship League released this message, which was delivered to the Prime Minister of Canada, Louis Stephen St. Laurent.

CAFL founded in 1944 by its President, Muhammad Said Massoud of Montreal, originally from Lebanon, who was especially focused on defending Palestine. In 1976 he published a memoir, I Fought as I Believed: An Arab Canadian Speaks Out on the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC/BP) | Archive
British Foreign Office documents on Iran

Resolution of the Canadian Arab Friendship League
June 1, 1951

Whereas it is the aim and purpose of the Canadian Arab Friendship League to create a good will between the people of Canada and those of Arab countries, and

Whereas the offices of the Canadian Government have been used in the past to iron out difficulties between other nations, and whereas such offices could in the opinion of the League members play an important and possibly decisive role in bringing peace to the Iranian crises, and

Whereas any undue pressure of force in the dispute between Britain and Iran may lead to war or at least deepen the misunderstanding already created by anti-Arab sections within the United Nations, and

Whereas the suffering of a million Arab refugees has not been forgotten by the Arabs of the Middle and Near East who deplore the uprooting of those helpless people and who have lost confidence in any decision which the United Nations may make on their behalf, therefore

Be it resolved by the members of the League that the Canadian Government be approached with a request to urge the responsible parties to the Iranian crisis to abstain from force since such force may only lead to a greater division of the Arab, of the Middle East and, further, to an already existing estrangement between the Western Powers and the Moslem and Arab nations, and

Be it further resolved that any assistance that could be given by Canada and the United States in the form of aid to Arab refugees would without doubt have good results at this time and would lessen the danger to democratic ideals now at stake in Iran.

• Also published in the letters section of The Gazette (Montreal) on June 7, 1951.


Related links:

U.S. Economic Aid to Israel Touted (May 1951 Group Letter)

Iran ... Inflammable | The Hawaii Times, June 28, 1951

British Foreign Office Statement on Breakdown of Iran Oil Talks

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