May 21, 1951 — The Gazette
The Mossadegh Project | November 12, 2023 |
An editorial on Iran and Turkey in The Gazette newspaper (Montreal, Canada).
The highly unsettled situation in Iran is continuing to stir apprehension in many parts of the democratic world. Although there is considerable difference of opinion as to the extent of the damage that may be caused to the free world through the political crisis in this country, there is wide agreement that the outlook is bleak. The dislocations that will result from the nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company are incalculable, and a state of unrest is being promoted that is ideal for the purposes of democracy’s enemies.
But if there is some hesitancy amongst the Western alles as to the implications of the moves in Iran, there is no doubt at all about the matter in one important country close by. This is Turkey. Here there is general gloom as to the impact of Iranian affairs on the collective security of the Western world. And the Turks are in a position to know a good deal about what is going on.
In Ankara there is a deep-rooted fear that out of the political turmoil and unsettlement centred in Tehran the Russians will emerge as important winners. If a way can be found to divert Iranian oil to the Soviets—and there may well be some concrete plan already devised—then Mr. Stalin would have gained possession of a weapon that will be even more valuable to him than it now is to the West. [Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin]
The Turkish newspaper, Zafer, is convinced that this is the objective. “The Soviets are planning to use the nationalization of Iranian oil as a means to bring about its Russian-ization. That is why the situation in Iran is giving rise to serious concern in the international field today, and why the matter is assuming an increasingly dangerous character for world peace.”
Turkey’s views are of the utmost importance. For Turkey itself is the strongest ally of the West in Eastern Europe, and she is in a vulnerable position in case of any Soviet expansion in that area. The Turks are playing a very useful role in Korea, and they have an army of twenty-five divisions in case of trouble at home. It will indeed be a blow to the West if a shift of Iranian oil control changes the delicate balance in this part of the world, to the detriment of the Turks and of the whole democratic world.
Related links:
Russia on Iran National Front: Mossadegh Is Opponent of USSR (1949)
U.S. Economic Aid to Israel Touted (May 1951 Group Letter)
Washington Worried About Middle East Oil Struggle | Ray Tucker, May 8, 1951
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