August 29, 1961 — Mason City Globe-Gazette
The Mossadegh Project | January 29, 2020 |
A 1961 editorial in “North Iowa’s Daily Paper”, the Mason City Globe-Gazette (now called The Globe Gazette).
Golden egg goose story repeated
IRAQ’S PREMIER, Karim Kassem, seems to be asking for precisely the thing that happened to Iran a few years under the leadership of its now almost forgotten crying premier, Mohammed Mossadegh. Kassem is demanding a stiff increase in his cut from Iraq Petroleum Co. at a time when oil is a glut on the world market. More than that, he is demanding a substantial share in the company’s capital stock and representation on the board of directors.
Once neighboring Iran had things its own way as a producer of oil in the Middle East. Then Mossadegh began throwing his weight around in a belligerent way. This course brought a quick end to his regime and Iran has never recovered from the body blow delivered to its petroleum industry.
Kassem could, of course, turn to the Soviet Union. Quite a few Russian oil technicians already have gone to Iraq according to reliable reports from Baghdad. But where would be Iraq’s market? Russia has an oversupply of oil. It would seem that Kassem doesn’t even keep abreast of contemporary history in his own backyard.
Related links:
Mossadegh’s Troubles | Mason City Globe-Gazette, August 21, 1953
LOST IN IRAQ: The Shah’s Baghdad Sojourn
Politics And Oil In Persia | The Sydney Morning Herald, December 7, 1953
MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”