Hotter Than August
December 12, 1953 — The World’s News
December 12, 1953 — The World’s News
The Mossadegh Project | March 24, 2017 |
• Australian media archive
Shah makes it hot for his prisoners
PRISONS for diehard supporters of Persia’s ex-Premier Mossadeq are being built on two of the world’s hottest islands in the Persian Gulf.The Iranian Government has already sent most of the rebels, rounded up in the riots following Mosasdeq’s [sic] fall, to the islands—Kharg [Kharkh] and Kargan. [Kharku]
Summer temperatures in these islands hover around 115 degrees in the shade.
That is fully 25 degrees hotter than Devil’s Island and the Iles du Salut, off the coast of French Guiana, [Guyana] where France kept her political prisoners.
Little is known of Kargan Island, [Kharku] except that it is treeless and harbors a small population of fishermen and traders. But Kharg is better known.
It has been occupied by the Dutch, the French and the British. The French and the Hollanders used the torrid isle in the fight against Arab pirates two centuries ago.
As to the British, they landed ono [onto] Kharg during their expedition into Persia in 1839, when they compelled the Shah to call off the invasion of Afghanistan, and again during World War I.
Related links:
5 Iran Ex-Officials Face Jail In “White Man’s Hell” | AP, May 23, 1955
Where It’s Really Hot | U.S. editorial, August 4, 1953
Iran Will Take Aid From Anyone, Including Soviet | August 24, 1953 (AP)
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