The Warwick Daily News — December 12, 1953
Arash Norouzi |
If only the original author had ever known about this theft, he’d probably (fittingly enough) want to do a piledriver on someone.
You see, On Athletism, the sole editorial in The Warwick Daily News on Dec. 12, 1953, was actually just a rehashed version of a commentary
published a week earlier by noted Australian
columnist and radio personality Peter Russo.
As they did before, the newspaper took the liberty of not only hijacking the whole concept of Russo’s column, but plagiarizing, literally word-for-word, the majority of it.
About 60% of their piece is taken verbatim from Russo, although they did rearrange the order, give it a boring new title, and add some quotes and details not in the original. (Russo’s words have been highlighted below).
On Athletism
Dr. Donald Soper, the church leader who scolded the Queen for attending race meetings and the Duke of Edinburgh for playing polo on Sundays, was himself in some strife this week. A rival churchman attacked him
for attending Sunday chapel with a swimsuit under his clothes, the inference being that inhabitants of glass houses should be careful with stones.
Dr. Soper was at least honest. Not only did he plead guilty, but he elaborated on it. “When my wife and I are on holiday,” he said, “we wear swimsuits under our Sunday best when we attend chapel and hope for a short sermon.
Such an extreme urge for athletism is doubtless not general among clerics, but it is interesting to note that recent international activities have taken a marked athletic turn.
During his trial this week Dr. Mossadeq, former Prime Minister of Persia,
interrupted a legal address in order to execute a brief war dance and challenge the presiding Judge to a wrestling match, pointing out that he had no doubt whatsoever that his form and vigour were superior to those of
the judge.
The judge declined the challenge, to the intense disappointment of the bar, witnesses and officials. However, had he accepted it he would have set no precedent.
When he was elevated to the post of Speaker of the Japanese Diet, Mr. Yasujiro Tsutsumi celebrated with a personal exhibition of ju-jitsu [jiu-jitsu] at a formal garden party and later
staged a wrestling match with a leading member of the Opposition.
Such spirited and imaginative leads to democratic parliamentary processes could add much-needed colour and vitality to official and parliamentary functions the world over.
The spectacle of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Archie Cameron, putting on the gloves for five rounds with a selected opponent before the diplomatic corps at Government House, Canberra, or
upholding a point of order in the House with a claymore, would have undoubted attractions.
All in all the trend is satisfying, inasmuch as it may indicate a return to those worthwhile days when national leaders had to take the physical consequence of their decisions as well.
It would be a happier and more peaceful world if our international problems could be settled by individual foreign ministers on the terms laid down by Dr. Mossadeq. The fact that their turnover might be high is immaterial.
Related links:
Fighting Words | The Sydney Morning Herald, November 14, 1953
Name Calling | Letter to The Chicago Daily Tribune, Aug. 10, 1953
It Proves One Thing | U.S. editorial, November 19, 1953
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