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Teheran voters last week gave Premier Mohammed Mossadegh his newest triumph. In three days of balloting for the Majlis, they elected eleven of Mossadegh's twelve National Front candidates, crushed the threat of the Communist Tudeh Party and whipped his No. 1 parliamentary opponent, wealthy landlord Jamal Imami. The more violently fanatic the candidate, the more votes that candidate polled. Topping the list: Firebrand Hussein Makki, the Huey Long of the Frontists, closely trailed by Religious Leader Ayatulla Kashani, [sic] boss of the gunman-terrorist wing of the Frontist Party. With only one-sixth of the election returns in for the entire country (and with 36 killed in election troubles), Mossadegh seemed to be winning a clear mandate to take his country further down the road to bankruptcy.
Related links:
TIME: December 17, 1951 — Another Round to Mossadegh
TIME: August 17, 1953 — 99.93% Pure
"Iran Can't Afford Luxury of Hostility" — U.S. Propaganda, January 29, 1952
MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”