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October 11, 1952 — The WORLD This WEEK

The Mossadegh Project | May 20, 2014                    

The WORLD This WEEK, a syndicated package of news and editorial content which ran as full page spreads in U.S. newspapers, reported soberly yet inaccurately on the ongoing Anglo-Iranian oil negotiations.

In fact, in September-October 1952, Dr. Mossadegh offered to abide by the International Court’s judgement regarding compensation to be paid to Great Britain. However, his request that the former AIOC release £20 million of the £49 million (U.S. $137.2 million) which it owed Iran for withheld loyalties and back taxes was rejected by the British.


Mossadegh Pauses

Iran’s Premier Mohammed Mossadegh, stymied over how to get Iranian oil flowing again to world markets, paused this week to think over the drawn-out oil dispute with Britain.

Earlier, Mossadegh threatened to break off diplomatic relations with England or withdraw Iranian envoys from London unless the British accepted his demands unconditionally.

Mossadegh had told Britain she must agree to pay $137,200,000 in disputed royalties at once, and limit her compensation claim to the value of the physical properties with no consideration for profits that would have accrued under the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company’s cancelled concession.

This week, Mossadegh restudied the British-American offer. High government sources said the premier was disposed to accept the proposal, but only if he was paid the $137,200,000 in disputed oil royalties as a preliminary condition to settlement.

The United States and Britain made it clear they are willing to recognize Iran’s oil nationalization, and acknowledge Iran’s freedom to sell oil anywhere and operate her oil industry with whatever personnel the wished.

Beyond this, it was felt the two countries had made their last concessions. The final choice still belonged to Mossadegh.


Related links:

Premier Mossadegh Gives Views to INS In Questionnaire (Sept. 1952)

Iran Seen U.S. Asset | The Associated Press, January 12, 1953

Mossadegh Snarled in Twin Dilemma | The WORLD This WEEK, September 6, 1952

MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”

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