Jesus Christ, Shah of Shahs
Signs of the Times — November 12, 1951
Signs of the Times — November 12, 1951
Arash Norouzi |
Signs of the Times, an Australian Christian news and lifestyle magazine informed by Bible prophecy, was founded in 1855 by expatriate American Seventh-day Adventists who settled in Melbourne. They believe the Second Coming of Christ is just around the corner, and have been predicting so for over well over a century.
This piece on Iran led its section "An Editorial Survey of Current Events and Opinions" and was written by Associate Editor Marian Margaret Hay. Note her judgmental description of Mossadegh. “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” Matthew 7:1
Government By Assassination
IT is inconceivable that the destiny of a nation of seventeen million could be controlled by a little group of murderers. So thought Haj Ali Razmara, Prime Minister of Iran, brushing aside the threats against his life as he endeavoured to lead Iran to mutually beneficial co-operation with the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.But on the morning of March 7 of this year an assassin’s bullet ended his life, and his place was shortly taken by Mohammed Mossadeq, a fanatical old aristocrat noted for his violent nationalism and his bitter hatred of the British.
But the real power in Persian politics is a Moslem secret society, Fidaiyan-Islam, [Feda’ian Islam] a revival of a fanatical, militant sect of the Moslem faith. In Persia it claims 15,000 members, but its active, inner core is made up of about forty men who plan and direct the murders. Besides Razmara, a judge of the high court, a prominent editor, and three ministers of government have been killed by Fidaiyan-Islam.
As is often the case, the power of these violent men is rooted in the misery of the people. The peasants who work the land on the basis of sharing the crops, are in abject poverty, in most cases their share being quite inadequate to keep their families from starvation. They drift to the cities, wretched and hungry, and grasp at anything that promises them better conditions.
Communism finds disciples in such a setting; but even more turn to religion as presented by the Mohammedan mullahs, or preachers, a religion of hatred against foreigners, especially the British. All blame for the poverty and misery of the common people is laid at the door of the foreigners, who, it is said, have taken the wealth of Persia, its oil. Naturally it is not mentioned that two fifths of all Persian Government revenues come from Anglo-Iranian royalties and other benefits.
Thus, in yet another country, the turbulent emotions of hatred and revenge have swept away the calm counsels of reason and judgment. It is as though the spirits of devils held sway, to lead the nation to disaster.
This rule by assassination, hatred, and terror is the very antithesis of the rule of Christ’s kingdom of peace and righteousness. It is the way of all who are not actuated by His spirit of love. This world can know no permanent peace or completely satisfactory government until that happy day, soon to dawn, when “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.” Rev. 11: 15.
M. M. H.
Related links:
Oldest Catholic Opinion Journal Reacts to Coup in Iran | The Commonweal, Sept. 4, 1953
Collapse of Oil Industry in Iran Brings Misery Despite Mossadegh | Brooklyn Eagle, 11/11/51
Persian Oil Crisis A Serious Threat | The Age, June 22, 1951
MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”