September 12, 1954 — The Morning Herald
The Mossadegh Project | October 28, 2013 |
A confusing editorial on the Iran Oil Consortium from The Morning Herald (1897-1955) newspaper of Gloversville, New York.
• Iran Oil Consortium | Archive (1953-1954)
OIL will soon be flowing to the West and money will be pouring into the impoverished treasury of Iran as a result of the settlement of the dispute between that country and the British-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. Iran will pay the British company $84,000,000 [actually that was only one of the figures discussed, it ended up being $700,000,000] toward what it has lost by the nationalization of its property by emotional old Mohammed Mossadegh—now languishing in a Persian jail.
The whole affair has been an expensive one all around. Among the losers have been the American taxpayers who have carried Iran’s financially starved government along to the 50-50 deal similar to the American terms in Arabia and saved itself a $100,000,000 headache.
One stubborn old man who did not know exactly what he wanted and didn’t care how much damage he did to get it has cost his country and the West tremendous loss. And back of it all is the stubbornness of a British board in which time might have offered Iran a tune of $80,000,000 since it lost its chief source of revenue.
Related links:
Iran’s Nose | U.S. editorial, April 20, 1954
Iran Sees Reason | The Buffalo Evening News, Oct. 5, 1954
U.S. Says Oil Deal Is A “Significant Victory” For Iran (Oct. 8, 1954)
MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”