CIA Memo Finds “Little To Show” in Shah’s Iran
The Mossadegh Project | January 19, 2017 |
Although this nondescript CIA document is quite brief, unsigned and undated, it reveals the impatience the U.S. was feeling after the August 19, 1953 coup in Iran it engineered. Declassified in 2000, this formerly top secret document was probably created in late December 1953 or early January 1954.
1. More than 4 months since Mossadegh thrown out
and Shah and Zahedi
[Premier Fazlollah Zahedi] little to show:
A. No oil settlement
B. British are "back" - no serious reaction
C. No social reforms
D. Economy hanging together with our aid
E. Mossadegh trial goes on
2. This may continue for some months more without crack - but time not indefinite
3. Majlis' [Majles = Parliament] elections in January - to be completed in 24 hour period -
3,000 candidates for 136 seats
"Candidates must be completely honest by reputation"
Tudeh [Communists] may join forces with extreme right - but can't put up candidates of its own
Document was declassified by the CIA on August 30, 2000.

Related links:
Along the Road Toward Dictatorship | CIA Propaganda (August 1953)
Max Thornburg: Notes For Discussion With Dean Acheson (1951)
Prospects For Survival of Mossadeq Regime in Iran (1952 CIA Report)
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