Mossadegh’s Prison Sentence

December 24, 1953 — The Brooklyn Eagle

The Mossadegh Project | January 2, 2013                   

Highlights of the Mossadeq Trial | CIA Memo (Nov. 1953)

The Brooklyn Eagle (New York) weighs in on Mossadegh’s sentence for treason.

Light Punishment

Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh, former Premier of Iran, has reason to be grateful that his conspiracies were not directed at a Communist regime. The sentence of three years’ solitary confinement for an attempted rebellion against Shah Mohammed Riza Pahlevi represents an extreme degree of mercy in view of the crime of which Mossadegh stands convicted. [Mohammad Reza Pahlavi]

Mossadegh’s escape from the death penalty or life imprisonment is attributed to the intervention of the Shah whom he undertook to dethrone. [Mossadegh did not attempt any such thing] Apart from this specific crime, however, the wily old politician, who wrecked his country’s economy in his mad striving for dictatorial power, is the principal architect of the deep misery of the Iranian people.

However, he is an old man, one who can be a hopeless invalid when it suits his purposes to pose as such or can challenge his opponents to trials of strength when the needs of dramatic effect require a display of strength. He may survive the years of imprisonment which he now faces, but his capacity for harm is ended.

The interests of justice would not be served and the welfare of his stricken people would not be advanced by the harsh sentence which would be justified by the wanton ruthlessness with which Mossadegh sought to establish himself as dictator over his country.


Related links:

Iran Arraigns Ex-Dictator | AP, October 4, 1953

Mossadegh Still Influential, But Comeback Held Unlikely | UPI, August 2, 1954

Mossadegh To Be Tried | Times Record, August 26, 1953

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