January 13, 1947 — The Associated Press
The Mossadegh Project | May 23, 2024 |
Iran Protesters ‘Take Refuge’
in Shah’s Palace
TEHRAN, Jan. 12 (AP) — Political leaders opposing Premier Ahmed Qavam’s new democratic party in the current Iranian national elections apparently began exercising the ancient Persian custom of “royal refuge” today in protest against the government’s method of conducting the balloting. [Ahmad Ghavam al Saltaneh]
Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh, leader of the independent coalition opposition parties, called on the shah this morning and thereafter, all during the day, independent candidates for parliament called at the palace to join their leader.
A member of the coalition said tonight that at least six of the nine independent candidates who went to the palace would remain there “until the shah acts on their protests that the elections are not free.”
Qavam said last night to a broadcast that the election began yesterday “freely in a calm social and political situation” and that “no pressure or threat is used or will be used.”
Students of Persian history said that traditionally, citizens may “take refuge in the palace” until “the king hears their petition.”
Approximately 200 persons, most of them university students, gathered near the palace gate tonight in support of the protesting candidates, while other students motored through the city appealing for public support for their cause.
The elections will continue through Jan. 17.
Related links:
Iranian Raps Red Policy — Treaty Violation Cited By Deputy | AP, March 4, 1946
Russia on Iran National Front: Mossadegh Is Opponent of USSR (1949)
Mossadegh’s Strength “Derives From the Spirit Of Nationalism” (May 1951)
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