The United States of America

Cold War Perspectives on America, By Americans

The Mossadegh Project | December 21, 2018                  
[Updated April 11, 2024]

United States of America | media archive

An insightful collection of U.S. media from the mid 20th century, spanning topics like the Cold War, racism, McCarthyism, corruption, voting, foreign policy, socialism, capitalism, Christianity, patriotism, and much more.

See also:

Korean War media archive
Harry Truman media archive

Newspaper Editorials

Every Qualified Citizen Should Exercise His Right To Cast a Vote | July 26, 1946

Voters This Year Will Choose Between Liberty and Socialism | Feb. 12, 1950

How Freedom Slips | June 15, 1951

Need of Leadership | August 3, 1951

Evenly Matched | October 1, 1951

Public Confidence | October 26, 1951

Put Up or Shut Up | December 14, 1951

A Challenge That Must Be Faced | January 1, 1952

That One Vote Could Mean Much This Year | May 23, 1952

An Object Lesson For All Americans | June 20, 1952

A Right And A Duty | July 26, 1952

Open Season On Squawk Birds | August 8, 1952

Don’t Let ‘George’ Do It | November 3, 1952

Don’t Fail To Vote | November 4, 1952

Make Popular Vote Effective | November 5, 1952

Emotions Ride Election Tide | November 7, 1952

Bossism | August 1, 1952

No Time For Comedy | September 10, 1952

Why Don’t They Vote? | October 21, 1952

The Matter of World Power | August 22, 1953

This ‘Aid’ Business | August 28, 1953

Some Favor Keeping Our Money at Home | September 1, 1953

The March on Washington | August 30, 1963

Syndicated Columns

November 7, 1949 | Sen. Margaret Chase Smith on the Importance of Voting

February 11, 1951 | The Wrath of God

March 4, 1951 | Perpetually In Favor of War

March 18, 1951 | The Savior With the Sword

June 23, 1951 | The Prayer of the Ancient Lapp

July 3, 1951 | The Crisis Technique

October 20, 1951 | The Tyranny of Words

Other Opinion (non-syndicated)

Our Dictator: Dorothy Thompson on Fascism in America | Feb.-March 1937

The Negro Press Should Do Its Utmost to Destroy Racial Evils in America | March 31, 1951

Sampascoopies by Charles G. Sampas | August 4, 1952

The Unpardonable Sin | January 1954

Letters To the Editor

Sees ‘Suppression’ | May 17, 1951

Americans Inconsistent | May 20, 1951

Use the Vote | June 7, 1951

American Way Good, Let’s Keep It Forever | October 5, 1951

Wants Referendum On U.N. | October 27, 1951

Candidates Tied To Henchmen | November 2, 1951

Sees State Going Democratic | November 2, 1951

Honest Men Preferred | November 2, 1951

Queries on Cold War | November 19, 1951

Some Resolutions | January 6, 1952

Charges Colonialism is Totalitarian | May 1, 1952

Congress Is Over the President | May 29, 1952

Agree With Justice Douglas | June 20, 1952

Not People’s Choice | July 29, 1952

An Appeal To Vote | August 2, 1952

‘Enslavement of U.S. Youth’ Puzzling to Reader | August 20, 1952

Will History Repeat? | September 2, 1952

A Citizen’s Duty | September 2, 1952

Cynical Review of Questions | May 3, 1953

Says Democracy Goes A-Begging | May 3, 1953

Taxpayer Does Not Get Money’s Worth? | June 14, 1953

Name Calling | August 10, 1953

The Matter of World Power | August 22, 1953

Waiting To Gloat? | October 9, 1953

Socialist Gloating Will Neither Prevent Nor Cure A Depression | Oct. 14, 1953

Sees Socialism As Ready To Save Nation | October 18, 1953

The Socialists’ False Premise | October 18, 1953

Hopes We See Light Before It’s Too Late | September 1, 1973

War For Oil: An American Fixture (Feb. 1975 letters)

Oct. 1, 1951 political cartoon by Hugh Hutton in The Philadelphia Inquirer

Our Dictator: Dorothy Thompson on Fascism in America (1937)

Sen. Margaret Chase Smith on the Importance of Voting

“This Not Who We Are” | Morality, American Style

The NFL’s “Dirtiest” Player Conrad Dobler and U.S. Foreign Policy
Conrad Dobler, National Football League offensive lineman (1972-1981)

Republican Challenges Assumption That Americans Hate War (1951)
Perpetually In Favor of War | by Bruce Barton (1951)

The FBI Campaign To Destroy “Evil” Martin Luther King, Jr.
The FBI Campaign To Destroy “Evil” Martin Luther King, Jr. (1964 Letter)


Related links:

President Harry Truman | media and editorial archive

A Fateful Convergence at Walter Reed Army Hospital

Journalist / Broadcaster Walter Kiernan | One Man’s Opinion (1951-1953)

MOSSADEGH t-shirts — “If I sit silently, I have sinned”

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